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Allied Women in Engineering Launch Event!

A note from Bethan Jepson:

I was absolutely overjoyed with how the event went, myself and my whole team were blown away by how involved you all got in the discussions and I can’t wait to carry on the conversations we started together. What we started at the event has already led to us being invited on Black Country Radio as well as an interview on the Insights4mfg podcast - it’s amazing that our message is already spreading! Also, I don’t know about you, but I totally fell in love with each of our speakers and I learnt a valuable lesson from each which I’ve summarised a little below...

If you had registered for a ticket but didn’t attend on the day, I would love to know why?

You’re not in trouble don’t worry😂 I just want to make sure that our events are as accessible as possible, and if there was some barrier to you attending on the day, I want to know what it is so I can hopefully remove it in the future. If this was you, can you please drop me an email with some feedback? Reflecting on our epic speakers and their stories told at Tuesday’s launch event of Allied Women in Engineering. I wanted to summarise my takeaways from each speaker in one word which I appreciate them for… and then a lesson which I’m personally taking with me to continue to evolve my inner-leader so I can make a greater impact in creating positive change… Phil Jepson… Self-aware… Always be learning… Poppy Durnall … Brave… Commit to your vision… Emma Hockley… Humble… Success looks different at different phases of life… Mel Clarke… Free… My true self is worthy to lead… Ilona Pitt… Caring… The world can hurt us, but it can also heal us… Debbie Lilburne… Tenacious… If there’s a glass ceiling, we can choose another building… Kirsty Davies-Chinnock… Passionate… If we focus on being our best self, opportunity will follow… Chelvi Nava… Enlightened… To be a leader is to have the courage to explore your passions, your skills and what brings you happiness. Adrienne Houston… Powerful… If you have the power to help one person, you have the power to change more than you know.

We have a big mission, and as such, it isn’t going to be achieved overnight, and I have no doubt we will encounter some setbacks which we’ll all need to help each other to overcome. We are building a real community and I felt such a connection to those of you who came to the event. I feel like I could meet any of you for coffee and we’d have the best time talking about how we’re going to achieve our goals. I want this to be a place where you can bring both your professional and personal goals, not just the collective inclusivity mission. At the end of the day, when you shine brighter, it’s easier for those around you to do the same. This is why we must put our own oxygen mask on first before helping others because if we can’t thrive, then we can’t help others to thrive either.

I’m excited to get to know you all even better and see what we can achieve together!


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