Selling Your Engineering Business
If you are considering selling your engineering business and you want to understand more about how the process works then you are in the right place.
On this page you'll find a FREE DOWNLOAD which walks you through all 9 steps of a sale - what you'll need to think about, what information you'll need to provide and what you can expect from the process.
If you would like more details on anything then don't hesitate to contact us.

The Business Succession System: 9 Steps to Selling All, or Part, of your Business.
This download will give you a good overview as to what's involved in each step of working with a buyer like Allied Global Engineering.
Fill in this short form to receive your download.
Why we are Building a Group of Small Engineering Businesses
There are around 55,000 businesses in the UK with 10 - 249 employees where the owners are aged over 55.
The problem is that often there are no younger members of the family that want to or can take the business on and the employees do not want to take on the risk and responsibility.
These businesses have legacy, they have employees and their families who depend on them. They have great products and great customers.
This sector is crying out for a new group of owners who can assume the responsibility of stewardship, preserve the legacy, keep the jobs and build on the foundations that are already there to take the businesses forward into the future.
Add to that the importance to the UK economy of having a strong and growing manufacturing and engineering base and reversing the historic dilution of the sector.
Allied Global Engineering (AGE) came into being to contribute to meeting this challenge.
We also know how tough it is to be a small engineering business in todays economy and market:
material prices are soaring,
employees cost more and more each year,
there is increasing pressure to invest in modern technology to stay competitive...
and our customers have the same issues which mean they don't want to pay MORE for your products and services.
We know it is getting harder and harder to maintain profit margins, which is how you pay yourself at the end of the day!
This is where the advantages of being part of a group comes in...
Shared costs and resources such as office resources and people, marketing and sales, computer based systems, even centralising things like metrology, inspection and logistics.
Benefits of economy of scale - you become more interesting to suppliers and customers which means you have more negotiating power.
Being part of a team and community of business owners who get the stress you've been under. You no longer have to feel alone at the top. You are now part of a team of decision makers and leaders who can support you and brainstorm with you. This also applies to managers at every level in your business. They will have other managers in similar positions to themselves to lean on within the group. It is a great community to be part of.
By selling all, or part, of your business you get to benefit financially from years of hard work by taking some money off the table. You can use this to do the things in your life you have always wanted to - travel, donate, or to simply give yourself more time freedom to spend with family and friends.